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At cluster level, data from the records of individual RTLB is collated into a cluster record.

The lead kura/school uses this information to report on the work of its RTLB and the outcomes of students. 

Reporting to the lead school board

Regular reporting to the board keeps it informed so that it can effectively carry out its governance role.

The RTLB strategic leadership and management team reports to the board at least once a term against the expectations of RTLB funding and service agreement.

Reporting to cluster kura/schools

Reporting to cluster schools maintains transparency of service provision and keeps cluster kura/schools informed about how the RTLB staffing and funding resource is being used across the cluster to meet students’ learning and behaviour needs.

Lead schools report at least twice a year (at the end of Week One Term 1 and Term 3) to cluster kura/schools boards on the RTLB service for the previous two terms.

Each Lead School will determine its own style of reporting and the level of detail when it reports to kura/schools. Lead schools are advised to send the report to other key stakeholders (see page 15 for key stakeholders).

The report covers the reporting period (e.g. the previous two terms). To ensure transparency clusters are advised to include the following elements:

  • the number of RTLB:
    • employed in relation to the cluster’s RTLB staffing entitlement
    • cases (individual student, group, school systems) in cluster schools
    • cases supported by the Learning Support Fund (LSF)
  • case closure data including service outcomes, highlighting outcomes for Māori and Pacific students
  • Year 11-13 funding allocation to secondary schools
  • the percentage of the LSF utilised to date
  • trends, patterns, and service issues of interest to key stakeholders.

Reporting to the Ministry of Education

Copy of Kura/School report

A copy of the above cluster kura/schools report is sent to the local Learning Support manager at the end of Week One Term 1 and Week One Term 3. 

Quarterly snapshot

Lead schools are required to report at the end of Week One each term (quarterly) to the Ministry (National Office). The Ministry extracts case and project data as described in the RTLB cluster data and Ministry of Education data requirements directly from cluster data providers.

Strategic plan and annual action plan

These plans are submitted to the Ministry attached to the lead school’s charter and planning documents by 1 March each year.

Annual report and annual financial report

The reports are submitted to the Ministry by 31 May each year.

The annual report provides an analysis of variance from the previous year’s plan. It also provides evidence that the expectations of the funding and service agreement have been met.

Schools planning and reporting framework

Guidance and requirements for developing, submitting, and publishing your planning and reporting documents

The financial report is accompanied by an analysis of variance.

Special reports

Whenever the Ministry requests a special report on a particular aspect of the RTLB service, the lead school will provide such reports within a specified number of working days of the request being made.

The timeframe may vary according to the complexities in gathering the required data or information.


Content last updated: March 2018

