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Accommodating RTLB

New or Replacement POD Variation Application (PDF, 1 MB)

The lead school, in collaboration with the Ministry’s regional office, will ensure RTLB are housed in suitable accommodation.

RTLB will be accommodated in legitimate space within the Ministry’s schooling property network.

Where suitable surplus space is not available in the local network, consideration may be given to building additional space or accommodating RTLB in non-school settings

Host kura/schools

Host kura/schools support the RTLB service and the cluster by providing accommodation for RTLB on their school site.

Once a legitimate accommodation need has been established by the local Ministry office, the lead school assisted by the local Ministry property advisor will negotiate provision of accommodation with each host kura/school under a third party. 

Property Occupancy Document (POD)
Sets out legal responsibilities for property in the POD. This guidance provides an overview of both board and Ministry obligations as they relate to school property.

Selection of host kura/schools

There are many factors to consider when selecting a host kura/school:

  • any current hosting arrangements
  • commitment to:
    • supporting the RTLB service
    • inclusive practice
  • proximity to schools/kura the RTLB staff will be working with
  • capacity to: 
    • accommodate additional staff, including space for storage, meetings, toilets, and adequate kitchen facilities 
    • provide car parking for RTLB (not a dedicated entitlement).
School-based RTLB accommodation costs that are covered by host kura/school operations or 5YA grants:
  • provision of up to 15 square metres of legitimate space for each onsite RTLB
  • heat, light, and water (Note: a host school/kura can apply for resourcing for an increase to heat, light, and water grant if circumstances have changed since funding rates were fixed in 2010)
  • property maintenance (includes exterior painting, building repairs, and grounds maintenance)
  • vandalism
  • building insurance is covered through the Ministry’s.

School Buildings Insurance Funding Programme
Criteria, Emergency Response Coordinators (ERC) resources and advice for making a claim. This Ministry Programme, backed by private sector insurance, covers repairs to school buildings damaged in an incident.

5 Year Agreement (5YA) funding grants
A capital funding budget to use over a five-year period. The site provides information about the 5YA such as what it covers and the spending rules.

School-based RTLB accommodation costs chargeable to RTLB

The School Property Advisor is responsible for ensuring the Schedule 6, Clause 35 notice is signed. 

The POD records the agreement, which underlies the Schedule 6, clause 35 notice, between the lead and host schools. 

The RTLB cluster should not occupy another school site without a written agreement.

The Property Occupancy Document (POD) specifies the funding that the host school will receive from the RTLB service (through the administration grant) for hosting RTLB.

These costs are to be determined on a fair and reasonable basis between the host and lead schools. The school property advisor can provide guidance on what is fair and reasonable should the lead and host school struggle to reach an agreed position.

Costs may include:

  • phone lines and broadband connections
  • property enhancements not covered by the host school’s 5YA grant, for example, shelving or heat pumps
  • servicing fees e.g. water filters, heat pumps
  • insurance of building contents
  • a contribution towards rubbish removal
  • RTLB use of consumables such as toilet paper and light bulbs. 

The POD is a generic lease document that applies to all schools.

State school property management and POD
Sets out legal responsibilities for property in the POD.

Return the POD variation/MOU to the School Property Advisor or other local office property contact.

Property staff contact details
A list of local office contacts

The School Property Advisor will return a copy of the signed document to both the Lead and Host schools, which both schools should file for their records.

Once a POD variation/ MOU is signed, the RTLB office is treated as part of the Lead School’s property. Any change to the POD variation/ MOU must be made with the agreement of the Lead School, the Host School, and the Ministry.

The first step would be for the Host School to talk to their School Property Advisor.

If a dispute around the POD variation/ MOU arises between the two schools at a later date and they cannot resolve it, the Ministry of Education (through the School’s Education Advisor and the Property Advisor) will assist in resolving that dispute or assist with finding alternative solutions.

The Lead School will not be responsible for any fair wear and tear arising from the Lead School’s reasonable use and enjoyment of the Premises but will be responsible for any damage caused by the occupants of the Premises through their normal activities or wilful damage arising from vandalism.

Non school-based RTLB accommodation (typically leases) additional costs funded from RTLB Administration Grant

Leasing is the least favourable arrangement for accommodating RTLB staff and should only be considered as a last resort or a temporary measure. 

Other Lease Outings


Power-Electricity (except common areas) RTLB
Telephone RTLB
Data/internet cable charges RTLB
Other utilities for services RTLB
Provisions for toilet where part of lease RTLB
Interior cleaning including windows Detailed in the lease agreement
Insurance - contents only RTLB
Air conditioner maintenance Detailed in the lease agreement
Water Landlord
Vandalism Detailed in the lease agreement
Caretaker Detailed in the lease agreement
Car park

Detailed in the lease agreement.

Clusters can apply for additional travel funding if the cluster exceeds (or predicts it will) due to car parking costs.

Note: It is important clusters are aware of the contents of the lease agreement and cost implications to the cluster before any agreements are signed.

Furniture, fittings and Equipment (FF&E) grants for RTLB redevelopments

As with a new teaching space, new RTLB space generates a FF&E funding entitlement to furnish and equip the new space. School FF&E redevelopment policy was updated last year to cover redevelopments.

Under this policy, schools receive 50% of the FF&E funding for new regular teaching space, or $62.50m².

This is consistent with the policy and funding that was applied to Christchurch Schools’ Rebuild (CSR) Redevelopments.

For RTLB, the same policy will apply to ensure consistency. This means redeveloped RTLB space will receive $62.50m². This is in addition to their administration grant. 


The cluster manager and lead school principal maintain regular communication with host schools, kura and, in collaboration with the Ministry’s local property advisor, regularly review the third party Property Occupancy Document (POD) to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the RTLB service and the host school. 

Where possible, the host school, kura invites the RTLB in teacher professional learning and development at the school.

Links and resources regarding a range of property and transport matters that apply to schools

Facilities and operations

About Pokapu Waka Kura | the School Transport Hub


Content last updated: November 2024

